My past and upcoming talks.
Proposals in the works! Stay tuned!
Kaleb McKelvey Interview - Episode 1 @ Engineered Perspectives
Philip from the Engineered Perspectives podcast interviewed me to learn more around my journey in tech, my thoughts around AI and mentorship, and my upcoming book! We had a fantastic chat about technology and careers that I hope others find useful!
Journey into the Unknown @ React Summit US
My Adventures Unraveling the Mysteries of Netflix's TVUI Universe
Posted on:November 13, 2023I’ll be sharing why it’s important to take on new growth opportunities, how to navigate the difficulties of learning a whole new platform at a new company, and some of the things I’ve learned about how we use React to bring Netflix to your TV!
The Detrimental Developer Mistakes to Avoid @ RenderATL
When we think about a being a successful developer, we generally list out the milestones that we can accomplish to get there. There are many different ways to reach success, but we tend to forget about recognizing some of the detrimental mistakes that can ruin it. I’ll be sharing what those mistakes are, and how to avoid them, so you can continue on your journey to become the dope dev you want to be!
Qualities I've Appreciated from Great Leaders @ Caf2Code Professional Development Session
I've had the opportunity to work with many great leaders in my career, those with titles of CIO and those who certainly will one day. This presentation displays the qualities I've appreciated from them with a few anecdotes along the way.
The Subtle Art of Decision Making @ AfroTech 2020
Are you equipped to make unbiased, rational decisions or do you make decisions based on instincts and gut feelings? As Software Developers representing various industries, the decisions we make for design and project estimations lead to real consequences. For the last year, I've researched how to we can make better decisions - now I'm passing on the knowledge to you!